Monday, December 6, 2021

What have we been up to?

 Hello and Happy December, the month of celebrations and traditions!

In literacy our focus has been on learning about celebrations and traditions around the world. First we talked about what a tradition actually is; something that is passed down through families over time, and is recurring. Back in our November remote week, you may have seen our first holiday, Diwali. Since we have learned about different tooth traditions around the world- El Raton being our favorite. Last week, we focused on Hanukkah. We learned about the history of Hanukkah and why many people celebrate. We made beautiful menorahs, we learned how to play dreidel, we made and enjoyed latkes, too!!

Here kids are helping me make the latkes. Miss Meg and I fried them outside so we wouldn't set off the fire alarm. There are also a few photos of kids taste testing their work.

These are some of the beautiful menorahs.

Here, the students are playing dreidel and winning gelt!

Students are hard at work, writing their personal tooth traditions and focusing on sequence of events.

Our kids REALLY love to build!! Here are some of their creations over the past 3 weeks.

I hope everyone is doing well, don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.

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