Monday, December 6, 2021

What have we been up to?

 Hello and Happy December, the month of celebrations and traditions!

In literacy our focus has been on learning about celebrations and traditions around the world. First we talked about what a tradition actually is; something that is passed down through families over time, and is recurring. Back in our November remote week, you may have seen our first holiday, Diwali. Since we have learned about different tooth traditions around the world- El Raton being our favorite. Last week, we focused on Hanukkah. We learned about the history of Hanukkah and why many people celebrate. We made beautiful menorahs, we learned how to play dreidel, we made and enjoyed latkes, too!!

Here kids are helping me make the latkes. Miss Meg and I fried them outside so we wouldn't set off the fire alarm. There are also a few photos of kids taste testing their work.

These are some of the beautiful menorahs.

Here, the students are playing dreidel and winning gelt!

Students are hard at work, writing their personal tooth traditions and focusing on sequence of events.

Our kids REALLY love to build!! Here are some of their creations over the past 3 weeks.

I hope everyone is doing well, don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Month of November!

 Hello Families!

We certainly have been busy this month. As you know, we have been studying landforms and erosion, with our culminating adventure leading us to Chesterfield Gorge. Yes, it rained and we were VERY wet. But it was also super fun. Kids were able to observe sediment moving down a rushing river, places in the rocky gorge where the water was so powerful it carved out the rock, islands being formed due to all the rain, and water making pathways down the walk ways. It was really an amazing time. 

In STEAM, we have been working on different building challenges, last week it was to build a tooth fairy house. In literacy, we have begun a new unit of Holiday Traditions Around the world. We started with "Tooth Traditions". What happens for you when you lose a tooth in America? The students have been writing a story about their own experiences. We also learned that some places don't have a tooth fairy at all, but El Raton comes to visit. And SOME PLACES even bury their teeth under a gourd, and what do they get? Ask your student! :)

In math, we wrapped up our graphing unit of study. Students made their own survey questions, such as, "What is your favorite dessert?" They then had to take data by asking the class their questions. Lastly, they made bar graphs to represent the data that they collected. We have began working on solving story problems using addition and subtraction strategies within 100. 

I want to say THANK YOU to all of you that took the time to meet with me either via zoom or phone call for conferences. I absolutely LOVE getting to brag about your kids. They are so amazing and I am honored to be their teacher.